More than half of all kids report feeling anxious or have persistent feelings of sadness.

“30% of young people report feeling anxious”

“20% say they have frequent feelings of depression”


“Children’s mental health is in crisis”

– American Psychological Association

“Poor mental health among children continues to be a substantial public health concern”

– Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

We’re not ok with this

As parents, we understand how it feels to be worried about your child’s well-being and the trajectory of their future. 


We created programs to help them build their confidence, gain a sense of accomplishment, and spark joy in their lives.  

Hep to Avoid failure

Kids have a funny way of showing it..


Horseback riding an being at the barn

That end in success


Character transformation

from – to

who gives them a plan

from – to

and calls them to action

from – to